
Styrax confusus

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Styrax confusus - Chinese snowbell
Common name: Chinese snowbell
Family: Styracaceae (storax family)
Distribution: China
Hardiness: -15 to -12.2 °C
Life form: Tree
Description: Trees 2--8 m tall. Trunk to 12 cm d.b.h. Branchlets densely brownish stellate pubescent. Leaves alternate; petiole 1--3 mm; leaf blade narrowly oblong, obovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, 4--14 X 2.5--7 cm, leathery to almost leathery, sparsely stellate pubescent but gradually glabrescent, base rounded to broadly cuneate, margin serrulate, apex acute to shortly acuminate, secondary veins 5--7 pairs, tertiary veins reticulate and conspicuously raised. Racemes terminal, 3--8-flowered, 4--10 cm. Pedicel 1--1.5 cm. Flowers 1.3--2.2 cm. Calyx 3--10 X 4--6 mm, densely yellowish to gray stellate tomentose and villose; teeth 5, deltoid. Corolla tube 3--4 mm; lobes lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 12--20 X 3--4 mm. Filaments slightly expanded, free parts basally densely white villose. Fruit subglobose to obovoid, 0.8--1.5 cm in diam., densely yellowish stellate tomentose; exocarp 1--2 mm thick, rugose. Seeds brown, obovoid, smooth or deeply rugose. Fl. Apr-Oct.
Leaf Persistence: Deciduous
Links: Flora of China


  • 1: Asian Garden • Accession: 1989-0665.02 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild • Collection: SAS.A
  • 2: Asian Garden • Accession: 1989-0665.01 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild • Collection: SAS.A
. . Area
. Individual