
Liriodendron chinense

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Liriodendron chinense - Chinese tulip poplar
Common name: Chinese tulip poplar
Family: Magnoliaceae (tulip tree family)
Distribution: China, n Vietnam
IUCN Red list: Near threatened
Hardiness: -12.2 to -6.7 °C
Life form: Tree
Description: To 16m/Lvs deeply loved/Inner tep to 4cm, gynoecium protruding/Fr to 9cm.
Leaf Persistence: Deciduous
Links: Flora of ChinaTreeLib


  • 1: Asian Garden • Accession: 1979-0529.03 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild
  • 2: Asian Garden • Accession: 1979-0529.02 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild
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